Investor relations

General information

Official communications

Inside Information

The communications of Inside Information conveyed to the CNMV are available for consultation on its website through the following link

Access to Inside Information


Other relevant information

The communications of other relevant information conveyed to the CNMV are available for consultation on its website through the following link

Access to other relevant information


Price-sensitive information up to February 8, 2020

The Price-sensitive information conveyed to the CNMV up to February 8, 2020 are available for consultation on its website through the following link

Access to Price-sensitive information up to February 8, 2020


Corporación Financiera Alba at the CNMV

The information of Corporación Financiera Alba available on the website of the CNMV can be consulted through the following link

Access to General Information of Corporación Financiera Alba




    Castelló, 77-5ª planta, 28006 – MADRID

    +34 91 436 37 10

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