Investor relations

Corporate governance


Javier Fernández Alonso
Carlos Ortega Arias-Paz




Javier Fernández Alonso

Degree in Business and Management from Deusto University (La Comercial).

He joined the Investments Department of Corporación Financiera Alba in 2006, and was appointed Chief Investment Officer in 2012.

He has represented Alba on several of its investees’ Boards of Directors. He is currently Director of CIE Automotive, Ebro Foods, Profand, of several of the Rioja vehicles (Naturgy) and Viscofan. His previous Directorships include Acerinox, ACS, Dragados, ACS Servicios y Concesiones, Euskaltel, Parques Reunidos, Clínica Baviera and Artá Capital.

He is also Director at several of the group’s venture capital vehicles.

Before joining Alba he spent six years in Investment Banking in London and Madrid, at Goldman Sachs and ABN AMRO.

He was appointed CEO of Corporación Financiera Alba, S.A. on 16 November 2020.

Carlos Ortega Arias-Paz

Degree in Economics from Harvard University. He subsequently completed an MBA at Harvard Business School.

In 2017 he joined Corporación Financiera Alba as Director of Strategy, leading the company’s international strategy and collaborating on investments in Spain.

He currently represents Alba as Director in the Board of Directors of Verisure, Piolin Bidco (Parques Reunidos), Rioja (Naturgy), Atlantic Aviation and is Chairman of Acerinox.

He is also Director at various of the group’s venture capital vehicles.

He began his professional career as a consultant at McKinsey & Company in 1990. After his MBA he joined Goldman Sachs in 1994, working as Executive Director (VP) in the Investment Banking division in New York and London. In 2002 he joined Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank in Madrid as Managing Director, heading the investment banking department in Spain and Portugal. He was Director of Artá Capital.

He was President of the Harvard Club of Spain.

He was appointed as CEO of Corporación Financiera Alba, S.A. on 16 November 2020.



    Castelló, 77-5ª planta, 28006 – MADRID

    +34 91 436 37 10

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