Investor relations

Corporate governance

Board of Directors

M. Carlos March Delgado Proprietary
1st Vice Chairman
M. Juan March de la Lastra Proprietary
2nd Vice Chairman
M. Juan March Juan Proprietary
Coordinating Director
M. Antón Pradera Jáuregui Independent
Members of the Board
Mr. Ignacio de Colmenares Brunet Independent
Ms. María Eugenia Girón Dávila Independent
Ms. María Luisa Guibert Ucín Independent
M. Santos Martínez-Conde Gutiérrez-Barquín Other External
Ms. Claudia Pickholz Independent
Ms. Ana María Plaza Arregui Independent
Company Secretary
M. José Ramón del Caño Palop




Carlos March Delgado

Member of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee

Category: Proprietary Director (significant shareholder)

First appointment: 22-06-1988
Last renewal: 17-06-2024

Law graduate.
Director of Banca March, S.A.
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Juan March Foundation and the Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones Foundation.
He has been a Vice Chairman of Carrefour Group, Chairman of the Spanish section of the Board of Directors of the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe, founding member and first Chairman of the Institute of Economic Studies, Chairman of the Spanish group on the Trilateral Commission, member of the International Committee of JP Morgan and of the International Advisory Board of Columbia University.
He has been granted the Legion of Honour by the French Government.

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Not a member of the Board of Directors of any other listed company in Spain or abroad.

Others Board of Directors:
Director of Banca March

Company shares: 13,222,515 shares
Direct stake: 12,398,240 shares
Indirect stake: 824,275 shares

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.


1st Vice-Chairman


Juan March de la Lastra
1st Vice-Chairman

Member of the Investment Committee

Category: Proprietary Director (significant shareholder)

First appointment: 28-05-2008
Last renewal: 17-06-2024

Degree in Business Administration and Management from Carlos III University, Madrid in 1995 and Executive Programme OPM from Harvard Business School in 2016.
He is currently Chairman of Banca March, S.A. from 2015. He is entrusted with the representation of Banca March, S.A. on the Board of Directors of Corporación Financiera Alba, S.A. and he is a member of the Board of Trustees of Juan March Foundation.
He began his professional career at JP Morgan and has been Managing Director and Chairman of March Gestión de Fondos SGIIC, S.A. and of March Gestión de Pensiones SGFP, S.A. He has also been Director of Indra Sistemas, S.A., ACS, Actividades de Construcción y Servicios, S.A., Acerinox, S.A. and Viscofan, S.A.

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Not a member of the Board of Directors of any other listed company in Spain or abroad.

Others Board of Directors:
Chairman of Banca March

Company shares: 5,302,904 shares
Direct stake: 4,608,849 shares
Indirect stake: 694,055 shares

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.

2nd Vice-Chairman


Juan March Juan
2nd Vice-Chairman

Member of the Investment Committee

Category: Proprietary Director (significant shareholder)

First appointment: 23-03-2011
Last renewal: 19-06-2023

Bachelor´s degree in Business Administration and Management from CUNEF, and Executive MBA from the IESE.
He currently holds the position of Director of Banca March, S.A.
He previously worked at Goldman Sachs (London) in the Departments dedicated to assessing the Natural Resources and Energy, Industry, Transport and Infrastructures sectors. He has been a member of the Boards of Directors of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Sociedad Holding de Mercados y Sistemas Financieros, S.A., Cobra, of Pepe Jeans/Hackett Group, of Mecalux and Vice-Chairman of Artá Capital, SGEIC, S.A., among others.

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Not a member of the Board of Directors of any other listed company in Spain or abroad.

Others Board of Directors:
Director of Banca March

Company shares: 3,088,517 shares
Direct stake: 2,357,823 shares
Indirect stake: 730,694 shares

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.

Coordination Director for Independent Directors

Antón Pradera Jaúregui
Coordination Director for Independent Directors

Chairman of the Investment Commitee

Category: Independent Director

First appointment: 10-06-2015
Last renewal: 19-06-2023

Civil Engineer.
In 1979 he began work as a manager at Banco Bilbao, where he remained until 1985. In 1988 he was appointed Executive Director of Nerisa, where he remained until 1993. In 1993 he moved to SEAT as Strategy Manager. In 1995 he played an important role in the creating the Instituto Sectorial de Promoción y Gestión de Empresas, S.A. (INSSEC), becoming Managing Director, and remaining in the position until 2010.
Currently, he is Chairman of the Board Directors of Cie Automotive, S.A., Chairman of Global Dominion Access, S.A. and a Director of Tubacex, S.A.

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Chairman of Cie Automotive, S.A.
Chairman of Global Dominion Access, S.A.
Director of Tubacex, S.A.

Others Board of Directors:
Not member of the Board of Directors of other companies

Company shares:
No Company shares held.

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.


Mr. Ignacio de Colmenares Brunet

Member of the Investments Committee

Category: Independent Director

First appointment: 21-06-2021

Degree in Law from the Universdad Central of Barcelona and a Master´s Degree in Economics and Business Management from the IESE Business School in Barcelona.
Since 2010, he has been director of Ence Energía y Celulosa, S.A., where he currently holds the positions of Chairman and CEO and Chairman of its Executive Committee. Previously, he had a long professional career in the steel and energy sector. He was the Sales and Export Director of the Compañía Española de Laminación, the embryo of the iron and steel CELSA Group. He then held the position of Sales Director at Nueva Montaña Quijano, an iron and steel company for common steel, and was the General Sales Director of the CELSA Trefilerías Group. In 1996, he became the General Manager of Trenzas y Cable de Acero-TYCSA, a company specialising in the manufacture of steel, aluminium and fiber-optic cable. In 2001, he joined the Global Steel Wire iron and steel group as the General Manager, a responsibility that he combined with his position of Director of Corporate Development at the CELSA Group. In 2008, he took the position of Chief Executive Officer of Isofotón, a manufacturing company of photovoltaic panels and the developer of solar facilities. He has also been the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Bergé Lift. He currently sits on the Board of Directors at Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Pasta, Papel y Cartón del Papel (ASPAPEL).He is currently a member of the executive board of ASPAPEL (the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Pulp, Paper and Cardboard).

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Chairman, Managing Director and Chairman of the Executive Commmittee of Ence, Energía y Celulosa, S.A.

Others Board of Directors:
Not member of the Board of Directors of other companies

Company shares:
No Company shares held.

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.

María Eugenia Girón Dávila

Member of the Audit and Compliance Committee
Chairwoman of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee

Category: Independent Director

First appointment: 08-06-2016
Last renewal: 17-06-2024

Industrial Engineering qualification from ICAI and MBA from Harvard Business School.
She was a Director at the Loewe and the Chief Executive Officer at Carrera y Carrera after heading up the “Management Buy-in” process as well as Executive Director of IE Premium & Prestige Observatory. She is the current Chairperson of the ESG Committee, member of the Audit and Compliance and Appointments and Remunerations Committees at Cie Automotive, S.A. and member of the Executive and Audit Committee of Birks Group. She is also the Vice-Chair of the International Board of Trustees of Oceana and a member of the Board of Trustees of la Real Fábrica de Tapices. She is a jury member of the European Innovation Council Accelerator of the Green Deal of the European Commission and the Harvard New Venture Competition. She is an associate Professor at IE University. She is also member of the Board of the Spanish Institute for Board Members and Directors (IC-A) and she has been Co-Chair of the Women Corporate Directors, member of the Board of Trustees of the IE University and Chairperson of the Fundación Diversidad.

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Director of Cie Automotive, S.A.
Director of Birks Group Inc. (Canada)

Others Board of Directors:
Not member of the Board of Directors of other companies

Company shares:
No Company shares held.

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.

María Luisa Guibert Ucín

Member of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee

Category: Independent director.

First appointment: 17-06-2019
Last renewal: 19-06-2023

Graduated in Law and in Business Sciences from ICADE.
Chairperson of Algeposa Grupo and Chairperson or Director member of the Board of Directors of investee companies, dedicated to port and railway logistics. She is also a Director of Rugui, S.L. and Atusa Grupo Empresarial, S.A., Antiguo Berri, S.L. and Riberas del Urumea, S.L. Since 2010, she has been a member of the Board of Directors and member of the Sustainability Committee of Iberpapel Gestión, S.A. Member of the Basque Country Advisory Board of Banca March. Vice-Chairman of the Matía Foundation and member of the Board of Trustees of the San Sebastián Aquarium. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Círculo de Empresarios Vascos. Member of the Management Committee of AEFAME (Basque Family Business Association), a member of the Strategic Council of CEIT (Technology Centre Association) and a member of PIPE (Platform of Investors in Spanish Ports). She has been Vice-President of the Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce and member of the Pasaia Port Authority Council.

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Director of Iberpapel Gestión, S.A.

Others Board of Directors:
Member of the Boards of Directors of companies of Algeposa Group and Railsider

Company shares:
No Company shares held.

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.

Santos Martínez-Conde Gutiérrez-Barquín

Member of the Appointments and Remunerations Committee
Member of the Investment Committee

Category: Other External Director

First appointment: 27-09-2006
Last renewal: 20-06-2022

Civil Engineer, Master’s in Business Management and Administration from ICADE and Diploma in Nuclear Technology from ICAI.
CEO of Corporación Financiera Alba, S.A. until November 2020.
He is currently Director of Acerinox, S.A.
He has been a Director, among other companies, at ACS, Actividades de Construcción y Servicios, S.A., Unión Fenosa, S.A., Artá Capital, SGEIC, S.A., Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Sociedad Holding de Mercados y Sistemas Financieros, S.A., Indra Sistemas, S.A. and Banca March, S.A. and CIE Automotive, S.A.
Before joining the March Group he worked at Sener Técnica Naval e Industrial, S.A., Técnicas Reunidas, S.A., Bestinver, S.A., Corporación Borealis and Banco Urquijo, S.A.

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Director of Acerinox, S.A.

Others Board of Directors:
Not member of the Board of Directors of other companies

Company shares: 2,047 shares
Direct stake: 2,047 shares

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.


Claudia Pickholz

Member of the Audit and Compliance Committee
Member of the Investment Committee

Category: Independent Director

First appointment: 08-06-2016
Last Renewal: 17-06-2024

Born in the USA, she holds a degree in Economics from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, USA), an MBA from Harvard School of Business Administration (Boston, USA), and took the TCL Programme at INSEAD (Fontainebleau, Francia).
She started her professional career at the Irving Trust Company, as Analyst for Europe and Latin America, before joining McKinsey & Company, as a Consultant. In 1987, she moved to SC Johnson Wax Española, S.A., becoming the Marketing Director. Subsequently, in 1994, she joined Coca-Cola, first in Spain, as Marketing Director and Planning and Control Director, then in the United Kingdom, as Client Marketing Director for Europe. She was Managing Director of McCann-Erickson Madrid, before joining Kodak, S.A. in 2003, where she held such senior positions as Marketing and Communications Director and Strategic Products Director for Europe, Africa and the Middle East. More recently, she has been the General Director for Spain and Latin America at Elsevier, S.A., and Independent Director of Quabit Inmobiliaria, S.A. She is currently General Director for the Iberian Peninsula Latin America of TCC (The Continuity Company).

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Not a member of the Board of Directors of any other listed company in Spain or abroad.

Others Board of Directors:
Not member of the Board of Directors of other companies

Company shares:
No Company shares held.

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.

Ana María Plaza Arregui

Chairwoman of the Audit and Compliance Committee
Member of the Investment Committee

Category: Independent director.

First appointment: 17-06-2019
Last renewal: 19-06-2023

Graduate in Economics and Business Studies and in Geography and History. She has postgraduate diplomas from IESE, Harvard Kennedy School, The Valley and ESADE.
She is currently Director and Chairperson of the Audit Committee of Línea Directa Aseguradora, S.A., Director and Chairperson of the Audit Committee of Globalvía Infraestructuras S.A., S.A., Director of Grenergy Renovables, S.A. and Vice-Chair of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC for its acronym in Spanish). She also sits on several advisory councils.
She has been an Independent Director and Chairperson of the Audit Committee at Grupo Isolux Corsán and member of the Board of Trustees and the Permanent Committee at the Loyola University Andalusia.
She has more than 25 years of experience in the financial area. First as an auditor for Pricewaterhouse. Subsequently, as Head of Internal Audit and Consolidation at Abengoa; Finance and Investor Relations Director at Telvent the Finance Director at Microsoft Spain. She then joined the Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE), first as the Director of Operations and then as the Managing Director. She has also been the Managing Director of the Immune Coding Institute. She was recognised as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2007.

Boards of Directors of listed companies:
Director of Línea Directa Aseguradora, S.A.
Director of Grenergy Renovables, S.A.

Others Board of Directors:
Director of Globalvía Infraestructuras, S.A.

Company shares:
No Company shares held.

Options over Company shares:
No options over Company shares held.


Company Secretary


José Ramón del Caño Palop
Secretary non Member
Secretary of the Board Committees

First appointment: 22-05-2003

State Attorney (on extended leave of absence).

He has been Secretary of the Board and Legal Services Director of the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) and of the Bank of Spain, and also a member of various working parties of the European Commission and the European Central Bank. Secretary of the Board of Corporación Financiera Alba, S.A. and of its Committees, and member of the Board of Directors of companies of the March Group.




    Castelló, 77-5ª planta, 28006 – MADRID

    +34 91 436 37 10

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