Investor relations

General information

Share information

Share Capital

The Share Capital amounts to 60,305,186 euros, represented by 60,305,186 shares (General Meeting 19 June 2023).

Financial highlights

Description 2023 2022 2021
Share capital at the end of the year 60 59 58
Shareholders equity at year end 4,786 4,619 4,205
Shares at year end, excluding treasury stock (in millions) 60.30 59.25 58.24
Investments in associated companies 2,717 2,652 2,477
Net investment in tangible fixed assets 303 340 366
Net result 234 436 303
Dividends 6 41 58
Net result per share 3.88 7.37 5.20
Dividends per share (€) 0.98 1.49 1.00
Stock market capitalisation 2,895 2,556 2,999
Treasury stock (shares 000s) 0 0 0

Stock exchange information

Issues of securities

There are not issues of securities.



    Castelló, 77-5ª planta, 28006 – MADRID

    +34 91 436 37 10

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